Under the drive of the two areas—the Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Area, China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition is going to be held in response to the national call of “Entrepreneurship by people, and Innovation by people” to deepen the communication and cooperation of international innovation, enhance the organic combination of talents, technology and capital, attract more overseas talents to work and start a business in Shenzhen, welcome overseas high-end projects, quicken the construction of the ecological system of innovation and entrepreneurship based on features of open, combination and innovation, and take pains to build a city of international innovation and entrepreneurship. With the overseas competition platform, the competition focuses on promoting Shenzhen to the world, introducing the innovation and entrepreneurship atmosphere to the overseas talents, speeding up the development of Shenzhen into the demonstration district of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and endeavoring to build it into a model case of the modern, socialist, and powerful country.
Countries & Regions
Competing Industries
{{ isEn ? item.e_label : item.label }}
Introduction of Judges
{{ isEn? item.e_name : item.name }} {{ isEn? item.e_intro : item.intro }} Learn more >>
See more
Investment Institutions
{{ isEn? item1.e_companyName : item1.companyName }}
{{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro}} {{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro }}
{{ item1[item2] }}
Industry Organizations
{{ isEn? item1.e_companyName : item1.companyName }}
{{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro}} {{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro }}
{{ item1[item2] }}
Service Institutions
{{ isEn? item1.e_companyName : item1.companyName }}
{{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro}} {{ isEn? item1.e_intro : item1.intro }}
{{ item1[item2] }}
Preferential Policies
Please pay attention to the official website, official Wechat and official Weibo to know more information above. Policies and settlement of this competition are subject to official announcement.

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{{ isEn ?item.e_intro : item.intro }}

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